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New DFW Captain - Damien Seals

Posted: 01-03-2010 10:41 PM
by Theodore Martin
DFW has another new Captain. Congratulations to Damien Seals who is the latest pilot to be promoted to the rank of Captain. Enjoy the "heavies" and the longer flights.

Re: New DFW Captain - Damien Seals

Posted: 01-04-2010 09:55 AM
by Wayne Pierce
I would like to add my congrats at this time to you Damien. Nice going and have fun now with the bigger and longer stuff. The Sr Captain flights are starting to look closer.

Re: New DFW Captain - Damien Seals

Posted: 01-04-2010 11:10 AM
by Tom Pletzke
Congratulations Damien. Like Wayne said, senior captain is right around the corner.

Re: New DFW Captain - Damien Seals

Posted: 01-04-2010 07:40 PM
by Harold Henderson
Yes, congratulations, Damien.

Re: New DFW Captain - Damien Seals

Posted: 01-04-2010 08:59 PM
by Omar Campanalunga
:D congratulations Damien!