Saitek yoke

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Wayne Pierce
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Re: Saitek yoke

Post by Wayne Pierce »

Don, this is an "age old problem with Saitek"

I have had them as many others do. I don't have the Saitek yoke anymore, something bigger and better now , but the problems are remedied and still remain.
DO NOT USE THE SAITEK DRIVERS that came with the disc. If you have not,but if you do not and I strongly suggest, buy the paid version of FSUIPC.

The Saitek yoke will work fine with FSX and your system. But FSX will assign keys strokes and button pushes to all your instruments as soon as you plug them in. You need to deleted all the configurations that the FS program makes on it own. Go the options and control setting via the FS menu. This will take some time but worth it. You then highlite the yoke in the control menu and scroll down and you will see the joystick assignment are a'plenty for the yoke. These need to be deleted, manually delete joystick assignments. Now if you change the menu item to any other joystick you will see these same assignments by FSX again, they all need deleted.
What is happening is the program is cancelling out your yoke with conflicting assignments. You need to clean it up. Also go to the joystick assignments and look at those and you will see ready made asignments there also.

Once you get all the doubled and tripled assignments cleared, then you can go and assign what function for the yoke as you wish. Now I use the paid version of FSUIPC as it does a much better job of assigning the functions of your yoke (that sounds funny almost like a 3 stooges joke) for FSX. It will work but you have to clean up the FS programs first. FSUIPC will assign the buttons and flight assignments as you want them. I use a left button on my yoke for the trim. FSUIPC has a good elevator trim up/ down assignment which is just what you want.
It works with both FS9 and FSx.

But you need to get rid of the fs assignments. Now if you don't want to spend a little money for the paidFSUIPC, as the free version will not work like the paid one, you need then to assign the fuctinons of your yoke in the FS program joystick assignments page. No matter what you do the FS program will keep assigning button assignment automatically, you just have to get them all cleared up. When you clear up the assignments the only way to keep it is to click OK and leave the program. It then writes it to the .cfg files in your users/FSX directory.

Clear as MUD?

It does work.

Last edited by Wayne Pierce on 08-16-2011 09:40 PM, edited 1 time in total.
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