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Airport Gates, fightaware

Posted: 06-28-2020 09:55 AM
by Robert Simac
Hi all,

What are you using to determine the departure/arrival gates?

So far I've been using flightaware to find out the AA (or related) flight on the same route, and then check what exact gates they used at last flight...
Often, there is no -exact- match to the flight I am flying (I am using random FREQ, so much fun), but there is always something close enough...


Re: Airport Gates, fightaware

Posted: 06-28-2020 01:02 PM
by Wayne Pierce
I do the same as you, flightawate. If it isn't there I look at the airport website and find which gates American uses and go there.

Re: Airport Gates, fightaware

Posted: 07-08-2020 06:32 PM
by Todd Meek
I do the same thing. Flightaware and if I can't find an exact match, then I find a similar flight and use those gates. Last resource is like Wayne said. Look up the airport and see which airlines use which gates and just choose one of the gates for our airline or if I'm flying Codeshare then that airline.