Suggestion, FREQ/Current Bid

Let us know if there is something you would like to see or if you encounter problems

Moderator: Michael Blakely

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Harold Henderson
Screenshot Contest Winner x13
Screenshot Contest Winner x13
Posts: 6541
Joined: 08-07-2005 10:00 PM
Position: KPHX Hub Manager
Rank: Commander
Residence: Knoxville, TN
AAV Total Hours: 3590.8
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Current Bid: Awaiting Bid

Re: Suggestion, FREQ/Current Bid

Post by Harold Henderson »

Patrick, good catch. When you add your FREQ manually at our site, you get an option to email the FREP to yourself; however, if you automatically generate the FREQ, you do not get that option.

Suggest you make a screenshot or write down your legs until when/if a "send email" capability is added by Mike.

As for the current FREQ that you submitted last night at 2234 CDT (long after my bedtime), it has been approved - so you should be able to see the remaining legs now.
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