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FSX and FSInn

Posted: 01-09-2011 02:12 PM
by Norberto Rivera
Something screwy is going on. I'm trying my first online flight with FSX and I'm connecting with FSInn. Everything loaded properly and all my indicators on the FSDT Control Panel are green, but I'm seeing offline AI and not online aircraft. What am I screwing up?????

Re: FSX and FSInn

Posted: 01-09-2011 05:21 PM
by Wayne Pierce
And another thing; to see some traffic you must set the parameters in the FSINN control panel to the number of aircraft you want to see and also the distance. FSX works with 10 miles only, if you set the distance in FSINN to much more than that you may drastically lose frame rates, same with the amount of aircraft you want to see at one time.

I switched back to SB4 and have much better frame rates but really lousy aircraft to look at for someone else.


Re: FSX and FSInn

Posted: 01-10-2011 08:21 AM
by Rey Ramon
Did you use the correct folders when installing the packs? That is what got me down the first time i used fsx and fsinn. I haven't noticed any hits on my frame rates with fsx and fsinn. in fact i feel like it's running better than ever.

Re: FSX and FSInn

Posted: 01-10-2011 11:46 AM
by Norberto Rivera
I think I messed that up on installation. I run FSInn from a networked computer for both FS versions so it should be interesting...

Re: FSX and FSInn

Posted: 01-10-2011 12:18 PM
by Wayne Pierce
Norberto Rivera wrote: I run FSInn from a networked computer for both FS versions so it should be interesting...
Does it work? I have been trying for a very very long time to get the networked FSINN to work. I CAN'T GET IT! (sniffle).


Re: FSX and FSInn

Posted: 01-11-2011 12:35 PM
by Norberto Rivera
Why thank you Mr. Rivera! That is most helpful :)
Wayne that has been how I connect to Vatsim for over a year now. Oi have SB4 also but I just can't deal with the paper airplanes and crap AI. I have a bad enough time with FSInn's lack of an a/c repository.

Re: FSX and FSInn

Posted: 01-11-2011 02:15 PM
by Theodore Martin
The prior version of FSINN that worked with FS9 automatically disable AI traffic when you went online. The new version that works with FSX does not do this. Don't know if it is an issue with FSX or with FSInn but it is documented (somewhere).

Re: FSX and FSInn

Posted: 01-12-2011 11:32 PM
by Norberto Rivera
I downloaded the files. I'll let you all know how it works out... Thanks! :)