Iowans and Winnipegeans, Who won?

All posts having to do with our Group Fly-Ins

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Wayne Pierce
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Iowans and Winnipegeans, Who won?

Post by Wayne Pierce »

This GFI had a rather large turnout, all 3 of us. :cry: But they were the best of all. :D
Wayne Pierce, John Moore, Ted Martin. We really did have a nice time with small talk about everybody else who wasn't there...
There was no ATC as they were all out west. Delta had about 100 flyers going from KSLC to KPHX.
The weather to start was very rainy and thunderstorm were all around


The line up for take off in the rain. Wayne Pierce, John Moore in 727's and Ted in the 738.


Wayne and John hold short of RWY 09, ready to "line up and wait".


Both John and I were flying 727's. Here is one of us flying high.


We all made the flight however Ted seems to have run out of steam (gas) and made divots on the Canadian countryside.


Wayne on final to the destination CYWG RWY 18.


John on final to the destination CYWG RWY 18.


John touchdown. Nicely done.


BtoT Wayne, John and Ted
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Wayne Pierce
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Re: Iowans and Winnipegeans, Who won?

Post by Wayne Pierce »

Now round two on Sunday. Barry Theodore, Rick Stevens, Reinaldo Adderley (the silent one- no teamspeakesy) and Wayne Pierce, made an easy flight this evening. There was no ATC again, which made a for calming and relaxing flight. Rick sort of landed short of the runway, about 35 miles while reading the landing chart. Here are a few Pics to view.

Reinaldo and Wayne at the gate, Rick and Barry still in the air
Rick's approach.
T to B Reinaldo, Wayne, Barry, Rick.

Till next time, :D
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Wayne Pierce
Screenshot Contest Winner x24
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Re: Iowans and Winnipegeans, Who won?

Post by Wayne Pierce »

John, this freeware is a great program for handling your images.

I use it. It is really so easy to resize and save any screenshot, photograph on your confuser.

Also, your default windows paint program in your accessories folder will resize for you also.

Make sure you work with a copy of your original screenshots though cuz'n when you resize it is that way forever.

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