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Re: Theme "song" for GFI on Friday 14th of May

Posted: 05-15-2010 05:45 AM
by Harold Henderson
Omar passing me below.

Re: Theme "song" for GFI on Friday 14th of May

Posted: 05-15-2010 05:46 AM
by Harold Henderson
Greg, crusing at FL40+ and .88M

Re: Theme "song" for GFI on Friday 14th of May

Posted: 05-15-2010 05:47 AM
by Harold Henderson
... and blowin by me.

Re: Theme "song" for GFI on Friday 14th of May

Posted: 05-15-2010 05:49 AM
by Harold Henderson
Steve, thinking "Where are all these other planes ..."

Re: Theme "song" for GFI on Friday 14th of May

Posted: 05-15-2010 05:50 AM
by Harold Henderson
in the crowded skies as Wayne looks to turn in behind Greg.

Re: Theme "song" for GFI on Friday 14th of May

Posted: 05-15-2010 05:51 AM
by Harold Henderson
and Rick behind Wayne ....

Re: Theme "song" for GFI on Friday 14th of May

Posted: 05-15-2010 05:52 AM
by Harold Henderson
and me behind Rick

Re: Theme "song" for GFI on Friday 14th of May

Posted: 05-15-2010 09:25 AM
by Harold Henderson
One of the group shots - starting w my MD80 and cw - Steve, Rick, Wayne, Greg, and Omar.

Re: Theme "song" for GFI on Friday 14th of May

Posted: 05-15-2010 09:27 AM
by Harold Henderson
You'ld think they would have a gold dome ...

Re: Theme "song" for GFI on Friday 14th of May

Posted: 05-15-2010 09:30 AM
by Harold Henderson
Ted, Jerry, and Sergio arrived while Steve and Omar left.

This was a lot of fun and a great group of international pilots. Also, one thing of particular note, was the professionalism with which this group spaced out, chose approaches, and communicated, to ensure safe and orderly arrivals .... then ATC showed up for Sergio and Ted and made rather a mess of things.

"North to Alaska, you go North, the rush is on." There was a vote taken with regard to the use of theme music on future flights.

Re: Theme "song" for GFI on Friday 14th of May

Posted: 05-15-2010 11:52 AM
by Omar Campanalunga
:lol: I hear the music this friday and I can not sleep thinking in nuggets.

Congratulations Wayne for this GFI.

Re: Theme "song" for GFI on Friday 14th of May

Posted: 05-15-2010 02:05 PM
by Norberto Rivera
Sorry I had to bail on you guys. FSX was loading up at the pace of a snail sliding backwards down a mountain and the phone call I got promised rewards of wings and beer. :D I'll try to make the Sunday flight. ;)

Re: Theme "song" for GFI on Friday 14th of May

Posted: 05-16-2010 06:11 PM
by Greg Gemelli
Awesome pics as always guys!~! Harold how do you get the close up shots of other aircraft; that's a pretty sweet effect!!

Anyway I had a blast and had to switch to the 744 at the last minute cuz the 738 was havin an issue I thought. Turns out the 738 is just fine but I didn't wanna take any chances.

I'm looking forward to the next one, Thanks again, it was a great time!!

Re: Theme "song" for GFI on Friday 14th of May

Posted: 05-16-2010 07:11 PM
by Harold Henderson
Greg Gemelli wrote:... Harold how do you get the close up shots of other aircraft; that's a pretty sweet effect!!...
That's a feature of FSX - the ability to jump to an outside view of other near a/c.