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Re: My Discovery Flight...

Posted: 06-11-2010 04:19 AM
by Panagiotis Zervoulias
That' s great Steve. Before a month I did my first flight here in greece too. It was a birthday' s present from my brother! Well it was in a super light aircraft. I don' t even remember it' s type. The instuctor with whom my brother arranged the flight told him that it would be an 1 hour flight that he (the instructor) would trust me the controls for about 10 minutes. So he arranged this flight one day with good weather. I did' t know something about that at all, because my brother wanted all that to be a surprise! So we got in my car and he told me to drive. He would direct me where to go. After 40 minutes of driving we stoped in a small airfield about 40 miles away from international airport of thessaloniki, greece (my homecity). Then I realized what the surprize was. I felt great!. I couldn' t even imagine that I was about to fly in ten minutes!. Before our takeoff I took some photos on the ground. I took my camera with also to take photos from the air too. When we took of the instructor game me the controls. The best thing of all was that I continued to steer the plane all the way down to ground again. I flew some holds, as well as mised approaches too. I don' t know if other people do such things for the first time they fly. I landed the plane by myself also!!!! This was great. The instructor sometime during our flight told me to give him the controls, because on the ground I wanted to take photos from the air. I didn' t give him the controls by the way, so I didn' t take any photos. The only thing I wanted then, was to fly as much as possible! It was great! I don' t know how much my brother spent by the way. Except that I' d like to share with you a decision I' ve taken. Before two months I decided to give up with my studies at University (I study music theory). The reason was that my mom gave me the opportunity to go to lufthansa pilot school and become a pilot. That was the reason that my brother decided to offer me such a present.

Re: My Discovery Flight...

Posted: 06-11-2010 07:17 AM
by Panagiotis Zervoulias
You mean my story? That' s great!