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Re: Help Complete Rick Stevens' Last FREQ

Posted: 09-17-2016 09:49 PM
by Norberto Rivera
I felt proud of just being able to get the engines to start. :lol:

Re: Help Complete Rick Stevens' Last FREQ

Posted: 09-17-2016 09:54 PM
by Norberto Rivera
There was not a lot of time for screenshots on approach as DFW was a bit... crowded. I saw at least 3 waiting to depart from 35C after I landed. The group shot is missing one. Mike was in the 737. I think Ted was in the 777 maybe? You can catch a glimpse of the top of the tail on Wayne's MD80 and Harold was still on approach. It was fun and brought back some good memories of the busier GFI's of years past. We should do it again sometime soon!

Re: Help Complete Rick Stevens' Last FREQ

Posted: 09-17-2016 11:18 PM
by Norberto Rivera
This was spotted doing a flyby at DFW later this evening. I have no knowledge of who was involved... :shock:

Re: Help Complete Rick Stevens' Last FREQ

Posted: 09-19-2016 09:08 PM
by Theodore Martin
It was a good flight having all of you there, however Bert Isn't that your normal why for flying? :roll:

Poor Harold was last to touch down at DFW because ATC kindly decided he needed a scenic tour of Mesquite and southeast Dallas. While I was on final I last saw Harold on his 2nd or 3rd re-vector. :shock:

Re: Help Complete Rick Stevens' Last FREQ

Posted: 09-20-2016 05:03 AM
by Harold Henderson
and then I had a max'd VAS crash on final. Didn't have time to get back in for the final picture. :-(