FSACARS for AAVirtual
Posted: 08-02-2009 11:52 AM
FSACARS has been released for use by AAVirtaual pilots to automatically submit FREPs and flight data. For you AAV veterans, this is similar to the AAV Online utility. FSACARS runs in the background during your flight, capturing data, and then submits your FREP to the AAV website. FSACARS also capture extensive flight statistics. Additional AAV website tools to view this data will be rolled out at a future date.
1. Download FSACARS 4.0.11 and 4.0.15 from the satavirtual.org web site or from our AAV member file downloads area.
2. Download the AAVirtual FSACARS configuration files from the AAV member file downloads area aavfsacars.zip
1. Follow the instructions in the FSACARS readme file to install FSACARS 4.0.11
2. Replace the fsacars.exe and fsacars.oci version 4.0.11 files in your FSACARS program directory with the two new files in the FSACARS 4.0.15 .zip file
3. Copy the two .ini files (AAL.ini and fsacars.ini) in the aavfsacars.zip file to your FSACARS program directory, replacing the default files
1. Edit the AAL.ini file to add your pilot number to the FIRST line that says "PilotNumber=" under the [FSacars] header, and to add your AAVirtual password to the line that says "passwd=". Do NOT use AA, AAV, or AAL in your pilot number.
Correct: PilotNumber=889
Wrong: PilotNumber=AAV889
NOTE: your password goes on the line that says "passwd=" NOT the line that says "password=".
NOTE: special characters (!@#$%^&*-+)in the password may cause an "Authentication error. Bad pilot number or password".
Do NOT modify these lines under [SendLog]:
Use FSACARS for your flight
1. Start Flight Simulator first and position your aircraft at the departure gate
2. You may start FSACARS anytime before or during your pre-flight, but be sure to start before pushback
3. Start FSACARS: fsacars.exe
4. The first screen is the "Choose Company" screen. AAL-American Airlines Virtual should show in the window
5. Push the "Choose Selected Company" button
6. The FSACARS "Flight Plan" window will be displayed followed a few seconds later by a pop-up window
7. When the pop-up window asks if you are at the departure airport press "Yes"
8. On the Flight Plan tab, most fields are self explanatory. For your FREP to be automatically submitted, the following fields are required:
- Departure Airport (4 letter ICAO airport code)
- Arrival Airport (4 letter ICAO airport code)
- Aircraft Type (Any text will be accepted, but if you use the 3 letter IATA code like the codes used in the timetable, the code will get translated into a verbose aircraft description in your FREP)
- Pilot Number (use only the numbers, do not use AA, AAV, or AAL)
- Callsign (Must match your FREP i.e. "AAL1234" or "CHART")
- If you are flying online, select VATSIM in the "Online" box
9. FSACARS will note the "Pushback" time when you release your parking brakes
10 FSACARS will note the "Shutdown" time when you set your parking brakes
11. When the call sign EGF is used, for on line flights, and FSACARS is used,do not use the EGF prefix as the FSACARS call sign, you must use the filed FREQ number in the call sign box
FSACARS FREP submission
1. When you are done with your flight, a pop-up box on the Flight Log tab will ask if you want to accept the flight. If you want it to be submitted to AAVirtual, click "Accept Flight".
2. Click the "Send Log" button to send in the FREP.
If you need to edit your FREP
There is a new "Edit a FREP" option in the AAVirtual.com website left side navigation bar. This tool will show you a list your FREPs that have been submitted, but have not yet been approved by your hub manager. If you click "edit" on one of your listed FREPs, it will bring up the "Submit FREP" form with all your data pre-populated. You may then edit any of the fields and submit the updated FREP.
1. FSACARS does NOT check if the flight is in your FREP. If your flight number is incorrect, you will need to edit the FREP.
2. FSACARS has no way to mark a flight as a GFI flight. If you want to check the GFI Flight box (and receive the 50% bonus hours) you will need to edit the FREP.
FSACARS problem solving
The first step is to look at this file in your FSACARS directory: sendlogreport.html
NOTE: Your FSACARS directory could be:
1. Your install directory
2. C:\Program Files (x86)\FSacars
3. C:\Users\your_user_name\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files (x86)\FSacars
Check all 3.
The sendlogreport.html file will tell you what the problem is (bad username/password, too many bad logins, etc.).
If the error message doesn't get you there, let me know what it says and I'll keep helping you.
If you are experiencing "Database Corruption" or "Tampered Log" errors, go to your FSACARS directory(ies) and delete these files:
Any file with an airport code in the file name (i.e. KLAX)
AALxxxx.dat (where xxx is your pilot number)
[edit]added 12/28/2020
windows 10 causes FSACARS to sometimes put files in your FSACARS directory, and sometimes it puts them in this other directory:
C:\Users\your_user_name\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files (x86)\FSacars
So, if your .ini file changes or corrupt file deletion attempts are not working, go look in this new directory and look for the files there.
[edit]added 8/10/09
If you are having problems
The first step is to look at this file in your FSACARS directory: sendlogreport.html
It will tell you what the problem is (bad username/password, too many bad logins, etc.).
If the error message doesn't get you there, let me know what it says and I'll keep helping you.
[edit] added 8/31/09
Clarified the Configuration section because in the aal.ini file there two password fields can be confused and there are two pilot number fields.
[edit] added 2/19/10
Noted that special characters in the password may cause an "Authentication error. Bad pilot number or password" error.
[edit] added 9/2/11
Noted that when EGF call sign is used, FSACARS call sign box must still match the pilot's FREQ, especially if the pilot used AA or AAV in the FREQ.
[edit] updated 1/30/21
FSACARS files are now available on the AAV member file download area.
Please report any bugs to Michael Blakely (me) so I can fix them. Screenshots always help me identify and fix bugs.
1. Download FSACARS 4.0.11 and 4.0.15 from the satavirtual.org web site or from our AAV member file downloads area.
2. Download the AAVirtual FSACARS configuration files from the AAV member file downloads area aavfsacars.zip
1. Follow the instructions in the FSACARS readme file to install FSACARS 4.0.11
2. Replace the fsacars.exe and fsacars.oci version 4.0.11 files in your FSACARS program directory with the two new files in the FSACARS 4.0.15 .zip file
3. Copy the two .ini files (AAL.ini and fsacars.ini) in the aavfsacars.zip file to your FSACARS program directory, replacing the default files
1. Edit the AAL.ini file to add your pilot number to the FIRST line that says "PilotNumber=" under the [FSacars] header, and to add your AAVirtual password to the line that says "passwd=". Do NOT use AA, AAV, or AAL in your pilot number.
Correct: PilotNumber=889
Wrong: PilotNumber=AAV889
NOTE: your password goes on the line that says "passwd=" NOT the line that says "password=".
NOTE: special characters (!@#$%^&*-+)in the password may cause an "Authentication error. Bad pilot number or password".
Do NOT modify these lines under [SendLog]:
Use FSACARS for your flight
1. Start Flight Simulator first and position your aircraft at the departure gate
2. You may start FSACARS anytime before or during your pre-flight, but be sure to start before pushback
3. Start FSACARS: fsacars.exe
4. The first screen is the "Choose Company" screen. AAL-American Airlines Virtual should show in the window
5. Push the "Choose Selected Company" button
6. The FSACARS "Flight Plan" window will be displayed followed a few seconds later by a pop-up window
7. When the pop-up window asks if you are at the departure airport press "Yes"
8. On the Flight Plan tab, most fields are self explanatory. For your FREP to be automatically submitted, the following fields are required:
- Departure Airport (4 letter ICAO airport code)
- Arrival Airport (4 letter ICAO airport code)
- Aircraft Type (Any text will be accepted, but if you use the 3 letter IATA code like the codes used in the timetable, the code will get translated into a verbose aircraft description in your FREP)
- Pilot Number (use only the numbers, do not use AA, AAV, or AAL)
- Callsign (Must match your FREP i.e. "AAL1234" or "CHART")
- If you are flying online, select VATSIM in the "Online" box
9. FSACARS will note the "Pushback" time when you release your parking brakes
10 FSACARS will note the "Shutdown" time when you set your parking brakes
11. When the call sign EGF is used, for on line flights, and FSACARS is used,do not use the EGF prefix as the FSACARS call sign, you must use the filed FREQ number in the call sign box
FSACARS FREP submission
1. When you are done with your flight, a pop-up box on the Flight Log tab will ask if you want to accept the flight. If you want it to be submitted to AAVirtual, click "Accept Flight".
2. Click the "Send Log" button to send in the FREP.
If you need to edit your FREP
There is a new "Edit a FREP" option in the AAVirtual.com website left side navigation bar. This tool will show you a list your FREPs that have been submitted, but have not yet been approved by your hub manager. If you click "edit" on one of your listed FREPs, it will bring up the "Submit FREP" form with all your data pre-populated. You may then edit any of the fields and submit the updated FREP.
1. FSACARS does NOT check if the flight is in your FREP. If your flight number is incorrect, you will need to edit the FREP.
2. FSACARS has no way to mark a flight as a GFI flight. If you want to check the GFI Flight box (and receive the 50% bonus hours) you will need to edit the FREP.
FSACARS problem solving
The first step is to look at this file in your FSACARS directory: sendlogreport.html
NOTE: Your FSACARS directory could be:
1. Your install directory
2. C:\Program Files (x86)\FSacars
3. C:\Users\your_user_name\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files (x86)\FSacars
Check all 3.
The sendlogreport.html file will tell you what the problem is (bad username/password, too many bad logins, etc.).
If the error message doesn't get you there, let me know what it says and I'll keep helping you.
If you are experiencing "Database Corruption" or "Tampered Log" errors, go to your FSACARS directory(ies) and delete these files:
Any file with an airport code in the file name (i.e. KLAX)
AALxxxx.dat (where xxx is your pilot number)
[edit]added 12/28/2020
windows 10 causes FSACARS to sometimes put files in your FSACARS directory, and sometimes it puts them in this other directory:
C:\Users\your_user_name\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files (x86)\FSacars
So, if your .ini file changes or corrupt file deletion attempts are not working, go look in this new directory and look for the files there.
[edit]added 8/10/09
If you are having problems
The first step is to look at this file in your FSACARS directory: sendlogreport.html
It will tell you what the problem is (bad username/password, too many bad logins, etc.).
If the error message doesn't get you there, let me know what it says and I'll keep helping you.
[edit] added 8/31/09
Clarified the Configuration section because in the aal.ini file there two password fields can be confused and there are two pilot number fields.
[edit] added 2/19/10
Noted that special characters in the password may cause an "Authentication error. Bad pilot number or password" error.
[edit] added 9/2/11
Noted that when EGF call sign is used, FSACARS call sign box must still match the pilot's FREQ, especially if the pilot used AA or AAV in the FREQ.
[edit] updated 1/30/21
FSACARS files are now available on the AAV member file download area.
Please report any bugs to Michael Blakely (me) so I can fix them. Screenshots always help me identify and fix bugs.