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Re: Fuel planner

Posted: 12-15-2009 09:45 PM
by Michael Blakely
You will need to provide more information. What did you enter into the form? When did you get the error? What did the error say?

Re: Fuel planner

Posted: 12-16-2009 01:40 AM
by Wayne Pierce
I use it, but only put in aircraft, Departure, Arrival, and flight level. It gives me a block of fuel which works pretty good.

FIXED - Re: Fuel planner

Posted: 12-19-2009 03:34 PM
by Michael Blakely
KXNA was missing from the database used by the flight planner. I've added KXNA to the database.

Other pilots,
I noticed many incomplete entries in the database, especially outside the US. Obviously creating and maintaining a database like this is not easy. The incomplete entries are probably the source of some of the odd results some of you have received from the flight planner. If you would like an airport added or corrected, please post a request in the Website Questions and Concerns forum.