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Pine Tree to Sydney

Posted: 12-16-2009 11:44 PM
by Wayne Pierce

Re: Pine Tree to Sydney

Posted: 12-17-2009 12:32 AM
by Rey Ramon
This looks fun. I'm off and hoping to make it.

Re: Pine Tree to Sydney

Posted: 12-18-2009 07:10 AM
by Harold Henderson
Sorry, but I won't make it tonight, so someone else needs to step up to the mantle of GFI Photog for this GFI (just don't do too good a job).

Since this is probably the last Friday GFI before Christmas and New Years, I want to send special "Merry Christmas" and "Happy New Year" wishes to all my GFI buddies. You're a great bunch!

Re: Pine Tree to Sydney

Posted: 12-18-2009 08:36 PM
by Rey Ramon
Well I made it, but my plane got over stressed from all the requent wind changes. Very Very frustrated as I was on descent. I need to play with fsuipc, but since reinstalling, I don't have my key for the registered version. Can't look it up any more on simmarket. I guess i registered it so long ago, and it's about three email addresses removed, I can't seem to log on any more. oh well.

Re: Pine Tree to Sydney

Posted: 12-18-2009 11:24 PM
by Wayne Pierce
HO HO HO -- This was by far one of the more interesting GFI's I have flown in a long time. It Snowed on some, the winds buffe Ted others. The dreaded CTD's happened. We all took off but not all made it. But you will be happy to know the trees survived our onslaught.
We, AAV965 D. Seals, AAV280 J. Moore, AAv409 R. Stevens, AAV314 R. Shepard, AAV527 T. Martin, AAV783 W. Pierce, With a sighting of Rey Ramon and Corky and Harold at the end, took off without the aid of ATC. As we did so they started coming on line all around us. Our Canadian friends in the North of us were speaking some strange toungues which sounded really like French. the ATC came online for our approach and landing at Sydney. He was very friendly and helpful for us Yanks, and for all his "thereaboots", he did a good job to have us all descend upon a non towered airport and then "broke the rules" and vectored us down to safe landings by not using the landing patterns we were so competent at :wink: . He even had a few of us go into a holding pattern or two. This runway has no exit at the end so a reverse back up the runway was needed to clear it for the next pilot to land. Exciting as was it worked just fine. So there it was and over for the year. Not till 2010 now for the next friday GFI.
Happy Holidaize sauce.

Picture of line for takeoff.

Re: Pine Tree to Sydney

Posted: 12-19-2009 12:33 PM
by Harold Henderson
MY "group" pic at Sydney. The only one I know is Rick Stevens in the bigbird on the end. I'm the ittybitty bird.

Re: Pine Tree to Sydney

Posted: 12-19-2009 09:51 PM
by Harold Henderson
Rick Stevens wrote:Thank you sooooo much for not including a picture of my landing, Harold!

Friends look out for friends ...