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My new toy....

Posted: 01-11-2010 09:45 PM
by Norberto Rivera
:!: This is what I've been working on in my free time for the past week or so. I designed it and a friend of mine, who is awesome working with wood, put it together for me. I did the final assembly, ran the wiring, etc. (I know, he did most of the work ;) ) It still needs a better paint job too, but it's been below freezing here for the past several days. Not the best time to paint....

Re: My new toy....

Posted: 01-11-2010 09:47 PM
by Norberto Rivera
All the panels are from Saitek's Pro-Flight line, the multi-panel, radio panel, switch panel, an extra throttle quad and the yoke with it's included throttle along with some pedals. The seat is an actual 727-200 pilot's seat, which still sports an AA inspection sticker from 1999. :D

Re: My new toy....

Posted: 01-11-2010 09:49 PM
by Norberto Rivera
...I have arranged all the hardware just the way I want it... but I do have software/driver issues to tackle now....

Re: My new toy....

Posted: 01-11-2010 09:53 PM
by Norberto Rivera
Not all the panels will work with all aircraft, but those are driver and software limitations between the panels, FS and the addon aircraft. I just have to learn to live with that. The assignments are a bit of a pain. I have to do some with FSUIPC, some with FS9's assignment interface, calibrations are another issue, but I'm slowly working it all out. The best I can do is just tackle one assignment at a time.

Re: My new toy....

Posted: 01-11-2010 09:59 PM
by Norberto Rivera
My biggest pain right now is the multi-panel which controls autopilot functions. Again, it won't work with all aircraft, but with the ones that it does it's giving me issues. I have to run Saitek's FS9 plugin to use the panels and I've found that when I turn the knobs too fast to adjust altitude or vertical speed the panel freezes and saitek's software unloads. I have to click on it again to bring the panel back to life. I've read Saitek's forums and they have a known issue with USB power consumption being exceeded, so I have 1: I have a self-powered 4-port USB hub and 2: I've spread out the USB connections so as not to overload one particular bus. This still doesn't fix my problem. Any suggestions would be helpful. I'll be posting to Saitek's forum here shortly also. Any other feedback is greatly welcome.

On a side note, I do have the FO seat available if anyone wants it. It's identical to the pilot's seat with the exception that the bottom cushion is white sheepskin instead of black. I know Ray Jornd wanted to get it, but shipping to Chicago was going to be an issue. I don't want any money for it, but it would be great if whoever wants it can make shipping arrangements or come to Atlanta to get it. Just shoot me a PM if your'e interested.

Re: My new toy....

Posted: 01-12-2010 01:34 AM
by Wayne Pierce
Nice Rig Fella. I have 6 bought cockpit addon instruments from Saitek, Go Flight, and Precision Flight. Not all will work at the same time or together or at all with any of the payware aircraft. One has to just muddle thru it. Only two things work all the time and that is the radio Comm/Nav head from Go flight and their push button panel.
Again Nice cockpit. :!: :wink:

Re: My new toy....

Posted: 01-12-2010 08:52 AM
by Norberto Rivera
Thanks for all the compliments guys. I got a reply late last night from Saitek support so we'll see how this troubleshooting goes.

P.S. The airplane seat was claimed this morning.