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Battle Creek to Richmond - 2/12/10

Posted: 02-13-2010 06:28 PM
by Harold Henderson
This was my post-birthday celebration joined by a number of my good AAV friends - John Moore AAV280, Rick Stevens AAV409, Bert Rivera AAV476, Ted Stevens AAV537, me AAV580, and Todd Meek AAV706.

Here A Battle Creek (b2t): me, Ted, John, Rick, Todd, and Bert

Re: Battle Creek to Richmond - 2/12/10

Posted: 02-13-2010 06:31 PM
by Harold Henderson
Everyone in serpentine fashion behind me. "Serpentine, serpentine ...." name that movie?

Re: Battle Creek to Richmond - 2/12/10

Posted: 02-13-2010 06:33 PM
by Harold Henderson
My climbout ...

Re: Battle Creek to Richmond - 2/12/10

Posted: 02-13-2010 06:35 PM
by Harold Henderson
John taking the runway. Todd patiently waiting his turn.

Re: Battle Creek to Richmond - 2/12/10

Posted: 02-13-2010 06:37 PM
by Harold Henderson
Rick's departure.

Re: Battle Creek to Richmond - 2/12/10

Posted: 02-13-2010 06:38 PM
by Harold Henderson
I set my time back a few hours so I could get pics. Caught this pic of a sliver of moon and bright sun in front of my A332.

Re: Battle Creek to Richmond - 2/12/10

Posted: 02-13-2010 06:40 PM
by Harold Henderson
Me, streaking by far above (FL370) this A340.

Re: Battle Creek to Richmond - 2/12/10

Posted: 02-13-2010 06:41 PM
by Harold Henderson
John approaching Richmond.

Re: Battle Creek to Richmond - 2/12/10

Posted: 02-13-2010 06:43 PM
by Harold Henderson
Ted arrives.

Re: Battle Creek to Richmond - 2/12/10

Posted: 02-13-2010 06:45 PM
by Harold Henderson
B2T: Ted, Rick, John, and me patiently waiting for Bert. I think he made a wrong turn at Seattle, so we had to wait a little extra for him ... but friends do things like that.

Re: Battle Creek to Richmond - 2/12/10

Posted: 02-13-2010 06:47 PM
by Harold Henderson
and here he comes ...

Re: Battle Creek to Richmond - 2/12/10

Posted: 02-13-2010 06:57 PM
by Harold Henderson
Here's the gang (B2T): Ted, Rick, John, me, and Bert.

Todd had to leave us mid flight on a very important errand - take supper to his wife. I'll have to applaud Todd. We sugegsted various options so he could continue flying - Pizaa Hut delivery, cab delivery from home, etc ... but Todd did what was important. He personally delivered the meal to his wife. What a guy! (Seriously!)

We missed a few "regulars" - Sergio and Wayne. I think Sergio was too sore from shoveling snow in Dallas with a digging shovel (who has a snow shovel in Dallas?). There was also an in-person (not virtual) Wayne sighting in Dallas by Sergio.

We need some more newb's to participate. Us grizzled old veterans may bark but we don't bite too bad. This is a great way to get some help IF you get teamspeak installed and setup according to the instructions at ... ak#p127749