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Atlanta to NAS Key West - 2/19/10

Posted: 02-20-2010 04:44 PM
by Harold Henderson
Great turnout for the BertDay boy's party GFI. Also, great trouble trying to get out of Atlanta for some ... like Sergio and even Jose had trouble getting out of Chatanooga. We just happened to pick one of the FNO departure points. ATC was very busy.

Here's the list of characters - Jose Suarez (AAV2), John Moore (AAV280), Rick Stevens (AAV409), BertDay boy Bert Rivera (AAV476), Ted Stevens (AAV539), me (AAV580), Sergio Sanchez (AAV742), Wayne Pierce (AAV783), Steve Sondheimer (AAV825), Jim Parish (AAV1050), and Eleuterio Ramos (AAV1057). Quite a crowd. Eleuterio was held up so long at Atlanta, he decided to wait for another GFI ... but it was great to talk with him on teamspeak.

Below, as I taxi to the runway, Wayne joins me.

Re: Atlanta to NAS Key West - 2/19/10

Posted: 02-20-2010 04:46 PM
by Harold Henderson
Wayne climbing out of ATL.

Re: Atlanta to NAS Key West - 2/19/10

Posted: 02-20-2010 04:48 PM
by Harold Henderson
Sergio, sitting at the gate .... and sitting .... and sitting .... and sitting .... and sitting .... and sitting ....

Re: Atlanta to NAS Key West - 2/19/10

Posted: 02-20-2010 04:50 PM
by Harold Henderson
John in his A300 waiting his turn at the runway. Steve and Jim sandwiched behind with some other a/c.

Re: Atlanta to NAS Key West - 2/19/10

Posted: 02-20-2010 04:51 PM
by Harold Henderson
In the spotlight.

Re: Atlanta to NAS Key West - 2/19/10

Posted: 02-20-2010 04:53 PM
by Harold Henderson

Re: Atlanta to NAS Key West - 2/19/10

Posted: 02-20-2010 04:54 PM
by Harold Henderson
Wayne, looking very good.

Re: Atlanta to NAS Key West - 2/19/10

Posted: 02-20-2010 04:55 PM
by Harold Henderson
John, made it down in one piece ...

Re: Atlanta to NAS Key West - 2/19/10

Posted: 02-20-2010 04:57 PM
by Harold Henderson
Sergio coming in over Key West.

Re: Atlanta to NAS Key West - 2/19/10

Posted: 02-20-2010 04:58 PM
by Harold Henderson
Here's Jose!

Re: Atlanta to NAS Key West - 2/19/10

Posted: 02-20-2010 05:01 PM
by Harold Henderson
One of Bert's landings.

Re: Atlanta to NAS Key West - 2/19/10

Posted: 02-20-2010 05:02 PM
by Harold Henderson
Ted arrives.

Re: Atlanta to NAS Key West - 2/19/10

Posted: 02-20-2010 05:07 PM
by Harold Henderson
From the sattelite, here's the group (l2r): Jose, Sergio, Wayne, me, John, Jim, Bert, and Ted. Rickand Steve both had to cutout early, but Rick vowed to complete the re-flight Sunday evening.

Re: Atlanta to NAS Key West - 2/19/10

Posted: 02-20-2010 05:09 PM
by Harold Henderson
And one from ground level.

This was a lot of fun flying with a bunch of friends ... and we always welcome new friends, too.

Hope this was a nice BertDay present - our gift to Bert.

Was also a kind of homecoming for me. I was stationed at this Naval Air Station for 2 years 1975-77 (before some of you were born).

Re: Atlanta to NAS Key West - 2/19/10

Posted: 02-21-2010 09:57 AM
by Norberto Rivera
Great turnout for a great GFI. I had a lot of fun guys. Aside from my self-inflicted computer issue everything was great. On a positive note I now have all my FSInn files properly configured. LOL I have to get ready for a road trip right now, but I got a couple of shots that I'll be posting later as well.

Harold: #'s 5&6=$$$ ;) SSC material for sure

Oh and btw, I was born WHILE you were stationed at NAS Key West buddy. Just throught I'd throw that out there siince we were celebrating my Bertdayâ„¢ :lol: