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Dropped the ball for new KLAX Pilots...

Posted: 02-23-2010 02:39 PM
by Wayne Pierce
Well I have dropped the ball and lost it or someone stole it.....
I didn't welcome the latest members to KLAX Hub, of which Mr. T.Meek is the HM.
So without further ado about nothing.. You two yoots, Antonio Galasso and Marco Della Torre have to keep up this little item. I think it use to belong to KORD but they "lost it". This is in the back of the KLAX office. ... 20KLAX.jpg

Now this is the coffee pot, which you two figure out who will keep it filled and also "STAY OFF THE COUCH" It's mine! :x If you see some old guy with white hair on it, walk quietly back out of the office. :lol:

Re: Dropped the ball for new KLAX Pilots...

Posted: 02-23-2010 05:12 PM
by Norberto Rivera
Welcome to AAV guys.

Wayne, that's just wrong sir. It's ok though. I found a replacement for the KORD pilot's lounge and charged it to your expense account. :D

Re: Dropped the ball for new KLAX Pilots...

Posted: 02-23-2010 10:00 PM
by Todd Meek
What is this talk about dropping the ball at KLAX? We don't do any such thing over here in KLAX. I'm on top of everything Wayne, just keep that in mind. I know things you don't know I know you know. LOL. Welcome aboard guys, you will enjoy your stay here at AAV. By the way Bert, Sorry that was your own doing for buying such a nice coffee machine and KLAX isn't going to pick up the tab on that one. :lol:

Re: Dropped the ball for new KLAX Pilots...

Posted: 02-24-2010 11:21 AM
by Tom Pletzke
I am sending over some spies to capture the coffee pot in Chicago. Yes, Miami has double agents in the Chicago organization. In fact, your too late..

Re: Dropped the ball for new KLAX Pilots...

Posted: 02-24-2010 11:25 AM
by Tom Pletzke
Welcome to AAV, Antonio Galasso and Marco Della Torre!

Have fun and I look forward to meeting you in the forums and in the air.