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Julio, Happy Birthday

Posted: 02-25-2010 07:05 AM
by Harold Henderson
A very Happy Birthday goes to Julio Morales, one of our junior mid-senior aged pilots. Unfortunately, Julio, we'll have to drop that "junior" part next year.

My advice - celbrate while you can do more than forget how to spell the word. :lol:

Re: Julio, Happy Birthday

Posted: 02-25-2010 09:53 PM
by Todd Meek
Happy Birthday Julio. KLAX still has that goat from the GFI that I won. I'll Gladly hand her over to you no questions asked of course. :D

Re: Julio, Happy Birthday

Posted: 02-26-2010 11:43 AM
by Omar Campanalunga

Re: Julio, Happy Birthday

Posted: 02-27-2010 12:13 PM
by Norberto Rivera
You guys can keep the goat. The gesture is much appreciated, but in TJSJ they have pig roasts and drink a lot of rum. :lol: Happy Bertdayâ„¢ Julio. Espero que la hayas pasado super bien mi hermano. ;)