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Microsoft FSX & PMDG a no go

Posted: 03-04-2010 09:57 PM
by Wayne Pierce
Greetings all,
I am in the process of reloading all my Flight stuff on my new big computer. 2nd one with the FSX program on it from same disk. Whilst in the middle of reloading fresh FSX I get a message that I can no longer load FSX that my uses have RUN OUT! And I have exceeded the allowed amount of loads for the program.
So needless to say my BP (blodd pressure) went up and the fight or flight programming kicked and my stomache started to churn and ache from the dump of adrenaline in it.. I called the number that was given to me to auto reload the program. Well that was no good as then it transferred me to a "real live technician" Yep, that is what I got. Someone in India with an accent named "Sam", who was looking at the answers to my questions in a book and he had one thing to say to me. " you have recieved the Maximum use notification for installation of Microsoft Flight Simulator X on your computing system because you have registered it too many times on too many computers. Well they are all mine and I bought new ones to upgrade so I could FLY THE BLOODY THING AND HAVE IT WORK RIGHT!! His answer from Microsoft to have it fixed was... I have to go buy a new version of FSX and start over.

Now if that wasn't the end of it now I was also trying to reload my copy of the PMDG BA41 FSX plane and It also has exceeded the maximum reloads. Their answer; "buy a new copy of the aircraft to start over again"

Now really, doesn't that just beat all. :D

Re: Microsoft FSX & PMDG a no go

Posted: 03-04-2010 10:01 PM
by Norberto Rivera
I would comment on this Wayne, but I coudln't do it and keep the forums "G" rated at the same time. I feel your pain buddy.

Re: Microsoft FSX & PMDG a no go

Posted: 03-05-2010 05:32 PM
by Wayne Pierce
I Had two copies of the FSX on hand already. I bought one when it first came out and loaded it once and it didn't work on my old old computer. I put it away. I bought another copy of the FSX gold and acceleration. That is the one that is giving me problems.
I have found my other program and had loaded it up and VOILA it loaded with no problem. the acceleration also worked. so I am back with FSX.
now PMDG; I am still working on them. I have contacted them thru their super silly contacable ways on the internet. They have stopped direct e-mail contact now and only go thru their repair ticket form.
Have a nice day, Y'all. :lol:


Re: Microsoft FSX & PMDG a no go

Posted: 03-15-2010 10:18 AM
by Tom Pletzke
I have a feeling that the future of flight simming is going to change from FSX to X-Plane at some point. I have only tried the demo of x-plane and it seemed ok but not up to par with FSX. I think this may change in the next couple of years since it appears MS is not going to release any new versions of flight simulators.

When it comes to licensing and online, there is not much customer service. Shame on PMDG.

However, one online company is doing well for customer service -> IDM software. I use UltraEdit and thier customer service is perfect on both emails and person to person communications. So it can be done right.