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Help for flight recorder

Posted: 03-09-2010 04:15 PM
by Wayne Pierce
Gents this a applicant pilot who cannot get the digital flight recorder working on his system. He would like to submit an application and a checkride. I have helped him all I can. Anybody else out there?

***his messages
Have tried for days now to get the DFR installed. I keep getting error and have not
been able to get a positive resolution to this problem

My operating system is Vista Ultimate 32 bit and am also using FSX

Error info: C:Windows\Setup.lst

invalid line in set up info .file

Section setup 1 files

Hope someone can provide a solution since I have removed reinstalled .. run as
administaror..and have had no succes..
unable to start my career with AAV

Have been having a problem getting the DVR installed .get error invalid
>> line in set up info file
>> section setup 1 file.
>> Appreciate your assistance in sorting this out.
>> Also when I download and try to install the aircraft am not seeing it
>> among the aircraft.
>> Thanks
>> David Haynes
>> 3036

Re: Help for flight recorder

Posted: 03-09-2010 09:12 PM
by Todd Meek
I've read these emails as well, but since I don't have Vista or Windows 7 anymore ( I returned the computer I mentioned previously, had other bills to take care of). I've never ran into this issue so I unfortunately don't have any suggestions.

Re: Help for flight recorder

Posted: 03-09-2010 09:58 PM
by Michael Blakely
We've not run into a flight recorder problem we couldn't overcome yet.

It's not clear to me if he can't install or can't run. Can you get clarification?

Does he have read/write premissions to the directory where he is trying to install the recorder (Windows-7 does strange things with permissions to try and protect your system. Can't remember if Vista did that too or not).

What exactly does he do to get the error messages described?

Does he have a valid download? We've had problems in the past where someone only had a partial download. Check the file sizes.