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Fuel Planner fixes

Posted: 03-11-2010 11:35 PM
by Michael Blakely
The Fuel Planner software has been updated. Give it a try.

Corrected errors in flight duration and fuel for flights crossing the equator
Corrected errors in flight duration and fuel for flights crossing the prime merridian
Added missing lattitude information (north or south) to the airport database

For airports in the database but without position information, and new error message asks the user to post a request in the Website Questions and Concerns forums. The data can then be added in 24-48 hours.

Next up: More aircraft to choose from.

Re: Fuel Planner fixes

Posted: 03-12-2010 05:22 AM
by Harold Henderson
Thanks for your work on this Mike.

Maybe you could build in a capability to accept a lat/long and airport name from the user and have the planner calculate based on that and have the planner automatically email you. That way the user could get the info they needed immediately - unless there is more info needed for the computation than lat/long (and maybe airport elevation)?