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Latest pictures of my cockpit, old style

Posted: 03-26-2010 11:23 PM
by Wayne Pierce
These are the latest, hot off the digital press, pictures of my cockpit. Those of you who were eagerly awaiting these pictures, well wait no more!
I just moved it over to its new resting place and having installed the newest computer also.

I just made the new Yoke to attach to the the yoke stem. I modeled it after an old prop plane yoke. I installed some buttons for pushing and put two hand turned oak knobs on the tops for my little thumbs to rest on.
The new parking area for my "plane".

Thanks for looking. :D

Re: Latest pictures of my cockpit, old style

Posted: 03-27-2010 03:08 PM
by Norberto Rivera
That's just plain awesome Wayne! I wish I had the room to make a permanent install like that. I had to make mine in such a way that I could pull it out of the way and store it when not in use.