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Re: New LAX FO
Posted: 05-05-2010 07:07 PM
by Harold Henderson
Welcome aboard, Elliott.
Re: New LAX FO
Posted: 05-05-2010 08:07 PM
by Wayne Pierce
Well a new pilot and first officer at that, at our HUB. You still have to maintain the coffee pot for the more Senior moment guys around here. And like I warn everybody else who is new, STAY OFF THE COUCH!.
Welcome to our Frappacino drinkin' side of the map.
Here are the keys for the office. Tread lightly if you see the old guy on the couch. ... ecouch.jpg
Re: New LAX FO
Posted: 05-05-2010 09:40 PM
by Todd Meek
Well I see you beat me to the punch. Usually I start a forum thread for you, but it's nice to see that you already introduced yourself. I'm Todd Meek your Hub Manager at KLAX. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact myself, Barry Theodore, or post to the forums. Welcome aboard.
Re: New LAX FO
Posted: 05-06-2010 07:05 AM
by Norberto Rivera
Welcome aboard Elliott! I see that Wayne has already covered the couch. I will tack on the caution to beware of the white goat at DFW, and if you ever want some real coffee instead of that frapuccino crap you're more than welcome to visit the pilot's lounge at ORD.