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New DFW Second Officer - Brian Robinson

Posted: 06-05-2010 09:37 PM
by Theodore Martin
Congratulations to Brian Robinson for passing his checkride and being promoted to Second Officer. He now gets to fly the "go fast" a/c (or "Taco Rockets" as they are affectionately called by some of our members).

Re: New DFW Second Officer - Brian Robinson

Posted: 06-06-2010 12:08 PM
by Harold Henderson
Congratulations, Brian. Chalk another up for DFW.

Re: New DFW Second Officer - Brian Robinson

Posted: 06-06-2010 05:20 PM
by Wayne Pierce
Brian Robertson wrote:Thanks gents, working on perfecting the First Officer checkride as I speak. Hope to have that completed in a couple days.
Now, perfection is nice but if that is to be then you have nothing to strive for. We can and will find something amiss with those pesky checkrides.

Re: New DFW Second Officer - Brian Robinson

Posted: 06-06-2010 06:41 PM
by Todd Meek
Congrats Brian on the promotion. stick with that First Officer checkride and make it darn near impossible for that Wayne guy in training to find anything to complain about. That is unless his new bifocals came in, then good luck. :D