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Double trouble or double fun at any age

Posted: 06-06-2010 11:45 PM
by Wayne Pierce
A couple of the newest birthday fellows here

Everybody sing- a - long to a couple of my favorite birthday songs here.

(Sung to the tune of the famous U.S.Army marching cadence song)

I don't know, but I've been told
There's another man whos getting old.
sound off, 61... sound off, 61
count on down 61,60,59,58,57,... enuf of that, this is a waste of good typing and it would take too long.

Guess who that was for.

Or this other one

39 years of Chris Lee on the Wall
39 years of Chris Lee,
take one off and what do you have?
38 years of Chris Lee on the wall..
So on and So on..

Happy Birthday to the two Yoots, Theodore Martin and Christopher Lee.

Re: Double trouble or double fun at any age

Posted: 06-07-2010 06:02 PM
by Harold Henderson
Glad to see that Wayne jumped in here and posted this. I was really conflicted on mentioning the esteemed Mr. Martin's age, and since Rick has administered the mild jibe, I'll just wish Ted a very happy and safe birthday. Please be careful.

Christopher, on the other hand, is a young man and is entitled to all the dangerous cake, ice cream, and goats milk he can hold.

Enjoy your birthdays, both of you.

Re: Double trouble or double fun at any age

Posted: 06-09-2010 07:34 PM
by Theodore Martin
Rick Stevens wrote:Life begins @ 61, Ted - though I notice the piloting skills tend to lose their edge! You better hurry up and get all of your endorsements, it's not going to get any easier!

Have a great Birthday, Christopher!


(I thought it was spelled Yutes!) that's why the Euro 1 checkride gave my problems...??? :mrgreen:
Harold Henderson wrote:Glad to see that Wayne jumped in here and posted this. I was really conflicted on mentioning the esteemed Mr. Martin's age, and since Rick has administered the mild jibe, I'll just wish Ted a very happy and safe birthday. Please be careful......
You must be getting old like me. I'm totally shocked I got off that easy :wink: , but that's ok I'll take it. And as you well know at this stage all we can do is be carefull.........NOT!!!!

Thanks everyone for the sentiments and all the fun I've had flying with you.