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Re: KFAR - American Eagle Flights
Posted: 06-25-2010 02:22 PM
by Michael Blakely
Talk to your hub manager. Most hub managers allow you to use the real world AA timetable in addition to our AAV timetable. You may need to leave him email or a PM so he knows to look for the flight in the real world timetable instead of ours.
Re: KFAR - American Eagle Flights
Posted: 06-25-2010 05:14 PM
by Wayne Pierce
Elliott Bowman wrote:Well given that my hub manager replied to this post I'm assuming we're golden
Now, Elliott, Mr blakely is your CEO and HUB manager of KPSP. Mr Todd Meek is our HUB manager with the ever present Brian Theodore as our AHM. I fly flights of the AAL in the past quite a bit but must send a link or prove the flight on some old timetable.
Must fly.
Re: KFAR - American Eagle Flights
Posted: 06-25-2010 05:56 PM
by Michael Blakely
Guess I need to update my signature.
Re: KFAR - American Eagle Flights
Posted: 06-25-2010 07:09 PM
by Todd Meek
Yeah as Wayne and Mike have pointed out I am your hub manager and Barry is my assistant. You may fly any flight off the AA timetable, the only thing I ask is when you file your FREQ just put a note in the comment section that your flights came from the AA timetable and not ours so I'm not out there searching cyberspace trying to figure out where that flight came from.
Otherwise have fun.
Re: KFAR - American Eagle Flights
Posted: 06-26-2010 01:57 PM
by Michael Blakely
I don't think the FREQ has a comment section.
Re: KFAR - American Eagle Flights
Posted: 06-26-2010 09:32 PM
by Todd Meek
Michael Blakely wrote:I don't think the FREQ has a comment section.
Your right it doesn't. I was thinking of freps when I typed that. Anyways just send me an email or IM when you submit your FREQ and let me know that way.