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Re: What to do with FSACARS if FS Crashes?

Posted: 07-07-2010 04:15 PM
by Michael Blakely
It's easier than that. There is a single log file you can delete. Next time you start FSACARs it will note the file is gone and create a new one. Now, as to the file name? I need to go home (I'm at work) and figure it out. Stay tuned!

Re: What to do with FSACARS if FS Crashes?

Posted: 07-07-2010 08:22 PM
by Theodore Martin
While you are answering questions, I'm sure there is a way to have FSACARS send a log file you have saved but I couldn't find out how. I completed a flight that was logged by FSACARS but didn't submit it (I think my network went down). I saved the log to my hard drive (as I do all my flights) and the next day or so tried to submit the log to AAV. I could not find any way to actually send the file, all I could do is open it and review it on screen.

Is there a way to do this?

Re: What to do with FSACARS if FS Crashes?

Posted: 07-07-2010 11:16 PM
by Michael Blakely
If you want to delete a logged flight so that a report is NOT sent to the AAVirtual web-site, you need to delete the .dat file that starts with AAL followed by your pilot number. Mine is called AAL270.dat. You need to delete the file before you start FSACARS and log data for a second flight.

If you save a flight as a .txt file in FSACARS, there is no way to send it later. I think this feature is just for your own records. However, if you don't "Send Log" before you exit FSACARS, the flight stays in the AAL###.dat file until you hit the "Send Log" button on the "Flight Log" tab. You can have many flights stored in the .dat file and they will all get sent in at once when you hit the "Send Log" button.

Re: What to do with FSACARS if FS Crashes?

Posted: 07-08-2010 09:30 PM
by Theodore Martin
Thanks Mike. That explains two occurrences that I recently had. I flew a couple of flights and used FSACARS to track my landing performance. They were not bid flights so I didn't submit them, but to my surprise I found they were sent to AAV anyway. Now I see how that was done.