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Credit for Real flight Hours

Posted: 07-26-2010 02:37 AM
by Michael Natale
Based on the hours required to qualify for a FAA airman's certificate under 14 CFR 61 Sub D Subparts E and F (et seq); will AAV carry forward real time flown for credit? If it's done for outside VA experience dosn't it make sense to do it for real time flown? The minimal hours to qualify for Aircraft Ratings can be confirmed in the Federal Code of Regulations and the ratings held can be confirmed at the FAA's website so long as the applicant was truthful with his identity when he applied as per AAV policy. I can only imagine the number of actual pilots out there with AAV that would benefit from this. If not,.. no problem.. just a though for the guys with actual ratings and experience...................

Mike Natale

Re: Credit for Real flight Hours

Posted: 07-26-2010 12:58 PM
by Michael Natale
It looks like I've offended you Sergio; this was not my intention. Those of us in G.A are tasked with the responsibility of educating others about General Aviation, much in the same as we were before we became involved. Additionally, AAV is a tremendous platform from which we can learn more about aviation and more importantly enjoy ourselves while doing it. VASTIM has become a tremendous vehicle to explore the complexities of ATC and get an idea about how the system works in real life. That being said, we are all representitives of AAV when we are on VATSIM, real world experience is benefical to the group here. A preofessional VA pilot, and one that is well versed in the rules makes the system work better and reflects highly on the great staff and group at AAV!I also realize it is not a necessity. I know that we have many great people from all walks of life and all experience levels, I was merely suggesting a way to provide an incentive for active pilots, not to seperate us from anyone else or suggest that it is indicative of greater ability becasue it does not. By making this suggestion I was hoping that it would lead to a secondary outlet at AAV, one in which we could identify and ask actual pilots questions about performance, regulations and general operating principles etc. I know it would enhance my learning experience if this were the case. BTW, I completed my BFR several weeks ago, a necessary component of this is navigating through dead reckoning and pilotage...I have spent plenty of time in props low and slow. Apologies to all that are offended by this suggestion, I really was just throwing it out there.....

Mike Natale

Re: Credit for Real flight Hours

Posted: 07-26-2010 04:17 PM
by Michael Natale
I didn't post this question to be the receipient of belittling sarcasm. Lets agree to disagree and end it........................