Page 1 of 1 Free Flight Planning Software

Posted: 08-09-2010 01:42 AM
by Michael Natale
I've been using this website for FREE access to the latest High Altitude Enroute Maps (as well as IFR LO/VFR sectionals/HELI/TAC charts {{for those that want to fly by pilotage on their off time}}). This is a really easy web site to navigate and plan your flights. I like to load my flight plan into SV.Com and leave it running in the background in case I receive an ammended clearance from ATC. Really easy to use for domestic routes. My apologies if this has already been posted and already known.

Best Regards
Mike Natale

Re: Free Flight Planning Software

Posted: 08-09-2010 06:51 PM
by Michael Natale
Let me know if you try it and like it Carlos. Today I loaded my FP from KDEN to KOCK in my FMS and I received a routing change after I programmed my FMS (I've been spolied lately with all the cleared as filed readbacks). For some reason FS9 would not load my route from SIMROUTES. So I planned it out on SV.COM and loaded the waypoints manually including the last minute SID change. Makes life really easy!