Re: Problem with the Saab
Posted: 10-03-2010 08:18 PM
Bert Jones wrote:yea, it just happens randomly in taxi. i have tried shutting the engines off and turning the battery and avionics switch off, but it doesnt work. the only way to get it too work again is by resetting the flight :\Sergio Sanchez wrote:stupid question... Battery on?
I just was flying this to check it out and shutting off the battery will do it. I bet you a can of gofigure that a key stroke you hit is assigned to shut off the battery in the FS9 and your activating it. Do you have a paid version of FSUIPC? Maybe double key assignments for that. It is a combination of the battery switch and the generator switches that are in or out of synch with each other. That was the only way I could reproduce the problem. Other than that IGM.