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New DFW Second Ofc. - Michael Sandeman

Posted: 10-05-2010 09:55 PM
by Theodore Martin
Congratulations to Michael Sandeman for passing his checkride and becoming DFW's newest Second Officer. Welcome to the jets Michael.

Re: New DFW Second Ofc. - Michael Sandeman

Posted: 10-06-2010 04:02 AM
by Harold Henderson
Congratulations, Michael. Welcome to the Barbie jets.

Re: New DFW Second Ofc. - Michael Sandeman

Posted: 10-07-2010 07:53 PM
by Todd Meek
Congratulations Michael. I like how you refered to failing a checkride to "blowing it." I prefer to look at it as areas that could use some improvement or a learning experience. I actually look forward to receiving the checkride results to see what I did wrong or where I could have done better. I have learned so much here and still continue to learn new things.

Re: New DFW Second Ofc. - Michael Sandeman

Posted: 10-11-2010 06:32 AM
by Tom Pletzke
Congratulations Michael.