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Re: Flight Reports

Posted: 12-23-2010 10:16 AM
by Wayne Pierce
Jorge, send it your FREPS as soon as you finish them. You can send it all the flight FREPS for your entire FREQ. If for some chance they are not correct you will be advised as such by your HUB manager. Make sure you keep a copy of your FSACARS logs or the times you flew.
If you need to re-file or re-fly you will do only the one that is affected.
You cannot send if FREPS for flight not yet on your FREQ if you finished the current one. HUB managers take care of business manually and when they have alloted time to do so, so if may take a few days to have them approved or disapproved.
Happy flying!


Re: Flight Reports

Posted: 12-23-2010 10:01 PM
by Todd Meek
Wayne is correct you can submit all your flights in your current FREQ but I wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of that Email from your Hub Manager. As a hub manager myself, we prefer pilots to fly 1 or 2 flights at a time and then submit them for approval/denial. Don't sit on all your flights and then submit your entire freq worth of freps all at once, doesn't make us happy campers.

Re: Flight Reports

Posted: 12-24-2010 11:23 AM
by Norberto Rivera
Ted is out of the office until tomorrow or Sunday and he is expecting a lot of freps anyway. I would say go ahead and fly if you want to given the circumstances. He wouldn't expect you to wait for him to come back. If he gripes just blame me. LOL

Re: Flight Reports

Posted: 12-25-2010 07:06 PM
by Todd Meek
Norberto Rivera wrote:Ted is out of the office until tomorrow or Sunday and he is expecting a lot of freps anyway. I would say go ahead and fly if you want to given the circumstances. He wouldn't expect you to wait for him to come back. If he gripes just blame me. LOL
That's easy we all blame Bert for everything anyways so you might as well join that list as well. I know Bert, you'll thank me later for that one. :lol: