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AAL1664 from start to finish

Posted: 01-10-2011 05:24 PM
by Norberto Rivera
We've had some pretty nasty weather in ATL the past couple of days, so I decided I needed to come back home after galavanting around the Caribbean. I took a jump-seat ride from TJSJ to Miami where I found a shiny and lovingly-used 737 waiting to depart for Atlanta.

Going to my dispatch planner I plugged in the particulars. Here is page 1 of my dispatch sheet:

Re: AAL1664 from start to finish

Posted: 01-10-2011 05:26 PM
by Norberto Rivera
Knowing that freezing drizzle is coming down in ATL I figured there was a possibilty that I may have to hold for an extended amount of time so I added about 2k lbs. of fuel and planned for 18.9k pounds. Below is page 2 of the dispatch sheet with the route particulars... notice that the remaining fuel upon reaching ATL is supposed to be 6700 lbs.

Re: AAL1664 from start to finish

Posted: 01-10-2011 05:30 PM
by Norberto Rivera
The weather in Miami was relatively nice and clear albeit a bit windy, but no big deal. We quickly made our way through the pre-departure checklists and before we knew it we were ready to push right on time...

Re: AAL1664 from start to finish

Posted: 01-10-2011 05:32 PM
by Norberto Rivera
I don't understand why anybody in their right mind would want to leave Miami. (key words: in their right mind), but there was a one heck of a line for Rwy 12...

Re: AAL1664 from start to finish

Posted: 01-10-2011 05:33 PM
by Norberto Rivera
It cost me a case of scotch and a slight duel with the cross winds but I asked for Rwy 08 R and was able to make up a little time.

Re: AAL1664 from start to finish

Posted: 01-10-2011 05:34 PM
by Norberto Rivera
This is the last of the nice weather I'll get to see for a while...

Re: AAL1664 from start to finish

Posted: 01-10-2011 05:35 PM
by Norberto Rivera
Descending from FL370 I quickly realize what awaits me. Atlanta is somewhere down in all that soup...

Re: AAL1664 from start to finish

Posted: 01-10-2011 05:37 PM
by Norberto Rivera
I have no idea what this genius was doing, but for a split second I could have sworn I heard Jeff Jett's voice on the radio when he replied to the traffic advisory...

Re: AAL1664 from start to finish

Posted: 01-10-2011 05:38 PM
by Norberto Rivera
Some speedbrakes and a couple of vectors later we're on final for Rwy 08L at KATL... at least that's what I was told.

Re: AAL1664 from start to finish

Posted: 01-10-2011 05:40 PM
by Norberto Rivera
We found that runway!!!

Re: AAL1664 from start to finish

Posted: 01-10-2011 05:42 PM
by Norberto Rivera
In spite of my recent disgust with PMDG, their 737 really is a joy to fly and makes these approaches nearly efortless...

Re: AAL1664 from start to finish

Posted: 01-10-2011 05:42 PM
by Norberto Rivera
from the front...

Re: AAL1664 from start to finish

Posted: 01-10-2011 05:43 PM
by Norberto Rivera
This is what a greaser looks like. I"ll post the FSACARS log at the end :D

Re: AAL1664 from start to finish

Posted: 01-10-2011 05:44 PM
by Norberto Rivera
letting it all hang out...

Re: AAL1664 from start to finish

Posted: 01-10-2011 05:45 PM
by Norberto Rivera
This may be Delta's home, but AA owned this runway today. :twisted: