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"In Case You Didn't Remember

Posted: 01-24-2011 06:16 AM
by Harold Henderson
it's your birthday.

Yes, that's your wife beside you in the bed.
Get up.
Take your meds - maybe a double dose of the ones for memory. Remember to put down one toothpick for each pill. Count the toothpicks before and after taking the pills to be sure the number of toothpicks stays the same.
Don't forget the constitutional. You forgot yesterday and were bloated half the day until the afternoon reminder email came in. You move the constitutional high on today's list.
Shave ... naw, it's your birthday.
Get dressed ... comfortable worn clothes.
Loafers so you don't have to strain your back getting down to tie something.
Did you remember to take your meds?
Put the cat out.
Can't remember what comes next. Check email in case you remembered yesterday.
No, cat? You forgot yesterday. Let the cat in.
Check that the in-laws are resting comforatble.
Sit down to a hot breakfast fixed by the wife.
If no hot breakfast and she grunted something unintelligible when you go back to the bedroom to ask about the hot breakfast, give up. Throw some toast in the toaster and settle for some cold cereal and toast and hot coffee. Hot coffee? You forgot that. Put it high up in tomorrow's email.
Of course the hot breakfast will be there. Your wife gave you permission to go to IHop for your birthday - remember?
Did you remember to take your meds?
Go for a walk. Remember the GPS and don't forget your ID today. Remember how much trouble the policeman had getting you back to the right house yesterday when you went for your walk without the ID? He was a new guy temporary on the beat. The regulars know where you live.
If you get back home today, check your email for anything else you need to remember but may have forgotten in the past but have remembered.
Remember this is your birthday. You're supposed to have fun on your birthday, so do some flight simming.
While you're in a good mood, work on your "On the positive side, you ..." comment deck. You know like, "On the positive side you managed to leave the gate without inflicting too much damage to the plane, equipment, or personnel." Unless you dreamed it, there may be a new Commander checkride coming in very soon and you need to be equipped with plenty of these feel-good phrases just in case.
If you start getting really creative in writing these, you may have over medicated. Go back and count the toothpicks. If you're one short, don't forget the one in your mouth.
(continued ... check your email for more instructions. There should be more instructions inbound to get you past 9am)"

Rick you accidentally sent this to me in a pm rather than to your own account. Hope this doesn't get to you too late to help with today.

Oh, and by the way, have a very happy birthday, buddy.

(p.s. if you get MY reminder email, please reciprocate. It hasn't come in yet. I got as far as the constitutional and the shower's running, but I'm not quite sure what to do next. @%$*! The laptop battery's about to run down, too. Hurry! Nevermind, it finally came to me. Flush! @%$*. The shower's scalding. OK. Note for tomorrow's memory jogger email: "Don't flush until you get out of the shower.")

Signed: Ted Martin

Re: "In Case You Didn't Remember

Posted: 01-24-2011 12:12 PM
by Norberto Rivera
ROFLMAOOOOOOOOOO Happy Bertdayâ„¢ sir!!!!

Re: "In Case You Didn't Remember

Posted: 01-24-2011 09:55 PM
by Todd Meek
Happy birthday Rick. I can't even come close to beating that Harold and Ted at story telling, so I'm not even going to attempt.

Re: "In Case You Didn't Remember

Posted: 01-25-2011 08:05 PM
by Norberto Rivera
Todd Meek wrote:Happy birthday Rick. I can't even come close to beating that Harold and Ted at story telling, so I'm not even going to attempt.
Yeah, as old as they are they're chocked full of stories! Ted once told me about the time he and Orville Wright hung out one afternoon..... uhhh, tell you all about it later! :P

Re: "In Case You Didn't Remember

Posted: 01-25-2011 11:41 PM
by Theodore Martin
Harold - it's obvious who needs reminders since you can't remember to sign your own name :lol: :lol:

Bert - You are starting to show signs of Alzheimer's. The story was about Orville Redenbacher popcorn, NOT Orville Wright. Maybe you should look into some meds. :mrgreen: :lol: :lol:

Oh, by the way, happy birthday Rick. Couldn't happen to a nicer guy, or maybe NOT!!!!!