Re: Checkride training flights
Posted: 01-25-2011 07:55 PM
I've been a hub manager for a little while now and I don't think I've ever seen anyone go more than 30 days just because they were working on a promotion checkride. Personally, I am not going to cut someone from the ORD roster right after they passed a checkride. I especially wouldn't do it if we're in the process of building a Senior Captain initiation bid to celebrate the promotion. Now if your initiation bid sits idle in the queue for 30 days once somebody posts that last leg and the pilot has no other activity then he and I will talk about it. I don't think your SC promotion is a time when you should worry about currency. We have discretion and are usually pretty good about using it.
Good luck on your checkride!!!
P.S. Nevermind! I forgot you fly out of the dog pound. Your HM is a total slave driver! you're on your own bud!
Good luck on your checkride!!!
P.S. Nevermind! I forgot you fly out of the dog pound. Your HM is a total slave driver! you're on your own bud!