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Re: Another KJFK Pilot Reaches the TOP!

Posted: 01-30-2011 02:03 PM
by Harold Henderson
Michael, congratulaitons on joing the Commander's club and all the perks that go with it. Acheiving that rank in 9 months may be a record.

Re: Another KJFK Pilot Reaches the TOP!

Posted: 01-30-2011 05:20 PM
by Panagiotis Zervoulias
Congratulation Michael. Welcome to the club and keep up the good work!!!

Re: Another KJFK Pilot Reaches the TOP!

Posted: 01-30-2011 06:49 PM
by Michael Natale
I can only say that I attribute all of these pleasant experiences to those of you that make this VA such a friendly and dynamic environment. With particular destinction I must say thanks to Steve, Wayne and Panagotis!

Some people gamble, do drugs or drink (too much) to pass the time; for me, when I get the time, I enjoy the simple pleasures of a perfectly planned and executed (virtual) flight. One of these days I may actually achieve it :) I know I am not alone in this pursuit LOL

Re: Another KJFK Pilot Reaches the TOP!

Posted: 01-31-2011 09:47 AM
by Todd Meek
Congrats Mike. You have achieved something that I haven't even achieved yet. 9 months? Wow that is really impressive. I also would choose to fly if I was faced with the other options you mentioned. I'm slowly working my hours up, but it will still be a while before I reach that level so enjoy the club.

Re: Another KJFK Pilot Reaches the TOP!

Posted: 01-31-2011 10:36 AM
by Michael Blakely
Nice job Michael.