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Cold/Cole - Is This a Coincidence or Maybe Aliens?

Posted: 02-04-2011 05:39 AM
by Harold Henderson
I just wanted to point out this great coincidence ... or could it be more?

Today's birthday boy is Cole Herman, and I'm sure you other brains out there immediately noticed the amazing similarity of "Cole" and "Cold". Not only are 75% of the letters in these words amazingly the same, but that stat holds whether you read the letters forwards, backwards, upsidedown BUT as you approach edge-on the letters in both words merge into the very same symbol - "|"!!! (OK put the monitors down. :lol: Know how silly you looked twisting that monitor around trying to see those words on edge? Write them on a piece of paper next time.:roll:)

But the amazing similarities don't stop there. Notice the last letters are a progression - d -> e. What does this mean? Could it be this is a promise of warming weather for a country locked in the deep freeze? "Cold" -> "ColE" +1 progression = +1 degree? Or could there be some more mysterious meaning ...

Back to the topic at hand, it is Cole Herman's birthday, and I hope the above elucidation does not detract from the joyous occasion. In fact, Cole, as you near the beginning of your fifth** decade which some might see somberly, I hope the knowledge that such great brains exist and are actively working for the betterment of mankind gives you some measure of comfort on your birthday.

And above all, on this special day for you, I hope it starts your day with a SMILE or a good BELLY LAUGH. That's my present to you. Happy Birthday.

** - note if you take the letter progression differential discovered above (+1), multiple times the number of different letters (1), and add that result to the number of letters in "Cole" (4) you get 5? Sorry, couldn't help but point that out.

Re: Cold/Cole - Is This a Coincidence or Maybe Aliens?

Posted: 02-04-2011 07:23 PM
by Todd Meek
Ok obviously Harold forgot his medication again. Somebody needs to monitor that guy to make sure he takes it. Happy birthday Cole.

Re: Cold/Cole - Is This a Coincidence or Maybe Aliens?

Posted: 02-04-2011 07:40 PM
by Norberto Rivera
`Happy Bertday™ Cole! :)

Re: Cold/Cole - Is This a Coincidence or Maybe Aliens?

Posted: 02-06-2011 03:16 AM
by Barry Theodore
Happy Birthday Cole.

And Harold, can I have some of what you are on?