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Welcome to AAV's DFW Hub - Joshua Knepp

Posted: 03-13-2011 05:24 PM
by Theodore Martin
The DFW hub has another new pilot. Joshua Knepp joins us at the rank of Trainee. Welcome Joshua and feel free to post any questions you have in the forum.

Re: Welcome to AAV's DFW Hub - Joshua Knepp

Posted: 03-13-2011 11:16 PM
by Todd Meek
Welcome aboard Josh. Just watch out for the goats over there at DFW and definately don't take any milk offered from DFW.

Re: Welcome to AAV's DFW Hub - Joshua Knepp

Posted: 03-14-2011 04:28 AM
by Harold Henderson
Joshua, welcome to DFW, our home base. Glad to have you aboard.

Re: Welcome to AAV's DFW Hub - Joshua Knepp

Posted: 03-14-2011 08:45 PM
by Tom Pletzke
Welcome Joshua