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Re: Wayne Pierce! March 2011!

Posted: 04-01-2011 04:20 PM
by Harold Henderson
Congratulations, Wayne. Now, I won't have to compete against you contest after next. :lol:

Re: Wayne Pierce! March 2011!

Posted: 04-01-2011 07:20 PM
by Wayne Pierce
Wayne Szot wrote:Wayne,

Which 747 is that? Or to ask my question a different way: is there an AA livery out there for the pmdg 744?
When I used FS9 I had an AA livery for the 747 for the PMDG 747. I went all FSX and then PMDG did not have an AAL livery for it. This is a repaint by an aircraft painter I paid for thru one of the internet sellers of FS products. I need several other aircraft painted up for AAL and need to find the painter again.

Re: Wayne Pierce! March 2011!

Posted: 04-02-2011 12:08 AM
by Panagiotis Zervoulias
Wow Wayne! Very nice shot. The "Queen" looks great in this shiny livery!