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Welcome to DFW Stefano La Scala

Posted: 05-08-2011 09:14 PM
by Theodore Martin
DFW hub grows yet again. Stefano La Scala joins us with prior VA experience and at the rank of First Officer. Welcome Stefano to a great VA and the best hub, glad to have you aboard.

Re: Welcome to DFW Stefano La Scala

Posted: 05-09-2011 05:24 AM
by Harold Henderson
Stefano, glad to you have you join us at AAV. Welcome to the best hub, DFW.

Re: Welcome to DFW Stefano La Scala

Posted: 05-09-2011 10:32 PM
by Todd Meek
Welcome aboard Stefano. I applaud you for taking the initiative to learn the american ways. I have my Euro 1 and Euro 2 ratings (virtually not real) so I know a little about European flight rules but not nearly as much as I know about American. Hope to see you in the virtual skies sometime.

Re: Welcome to DFW Stefano La Scala

Posted: 05-10-2011 10:20 PM
by Theodore Martin
Stefano, browse through our forum. A number of our pilots have posted pictures of their home build cockpits. One is Wayne Piece who has a pretty elaborate setup.

See you in the virtual skies,