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Creeping Up on Retirement in Style

Posted: 05-11-2011 05:24 AM
by Harold Henderson
Ever notice how some people just go about quietly creeping up on retirement? One year passess another with hardly a bump or loud noise. They never disturb the birds or engender any irate phone calls to the FAA about violating noise reduction procedures. They never refuse boarding ... no, we won't go there.

Ever notice how some people defy the odds and go for their dreams - and drag us willingly along with them?

So is one of our real-life airline pilots - Greg Gemelli. I've "known" Greg since I first joined AAV and have followed him along the whole trail from getting his PPL, to commercial, to qualifying to fly the CRJ. Few people's posts are so eagerly anticipated or the first to be opened when listed in "View new posts." One of my personal dreams is to actually fly on a real flight with Greg as Captain. Not impossible. I'm positive Greg will hold up his end of making that possible.

Greg, Happy Birthday, man. I certainly hope you have a great day flying the dream for all of us ... most of whom will not have the opportunity in real life to do so. Thanks for sharing the experience. That's part of what sets AAV apart from other virtual airlines.

Re: Creeping Up on Retirement in Style

Posted: 05-11-2011 07:52 PM
by Todd Meek
Happy birthday Gregg and enjoy flying for real since most of us can only dream of doing such a thing, well at least I can only dream.

Re: Creeping Up on Retirement in Style

Posted: 05-12-2011 10:55 AM
by Greg Gemelli
Wow Harold! Thanks for the kind words.

My birthday was great and I was able to spend it with my feet on the ground; sometimes it works out that way. I'm back off to the skies tomorrow and I'll do my best to get some new photos to share with you all from my travels.


Re: Creeping Up on Retirement in Style

Posted: 05-12-2011 09:47 PM
by Theodore Martin
Happy birthday Grey. Like Harold, I truly enjoy reading every word of your post because I too live my aviation dreams through you. You are a shining example that it can be done if you want it. Keep flying and progressing my man.