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For Adults ONLY! Mr. Bowman Admitted Entrance

Posted: 05-13-2011 04:39 AM
by Harold Henderson
The backroom is finally opened to Elliott Bowman on his 21st birthday. He is now fully accountable and legally responsible to continue the march toward senility.

Elliott, it may seem a long way to senility, but we were once as you .... I think. I'm pretty sure Ted and Rick were.

Have a great birthday. Try not to let the new responsibility/accountability/legal thing weigh too heavily upon your shoulders. It can wait until tomorrow .... no, that was yesterday it could wait until tomorrow. So, maybe you should just have some responsible fun.

Happy Birthday!

Re: For Adults ONLY! Mr. Bowman Admitted Entrance

Posted: 05-13-2011 03:42 PM
by Theodore Martin
Yeah, happy birthday Elliott and I do remember back to those days. Let's just say don't party as hard as I did, you may get in trouble :oops: :roll: .

Re: For Adults ONLY! Mr. Bowman Admitted Entrance

Posted: 05-13-2011 07:57 PM
by Todd Meek
Happy birthday Elliott. Party responsibly and you'll be fine.