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AAV Launches Dallas Training Hub

Posted: 05-23-2011 02:59 PM
by Michael Blakely
AAV is proud to announce the creation of a new Dallas training hub, code name DFWT. This hub will be managed by Wayne Pierce with support from has assistant hub manager Rick Stevens. This hub will provide new pilots the support they need to get off to a fast and successful start with AAV.

All new pilots joining AAV will begin their AAV career as trainee pilots at the DFWT hub where they will receive your initial introduction into AAV's tools and procedures, including how to file a Flight Request (FREQ) and how to file a Flight Report (FREP). At the training hub, pilots will have the opportunity to ask for training, mentoring, and any help they may need, including VATSIM tools and procedures if they want to fly online. Prior VA hours will be recorded in the pilot profile, and will be used to determine the type of the pilot's first FREQ. Pilots with no prior experience will start with a standard four (4) flight first FREQ assigned by the DFW Training Hub Manager. This standard FREQ will specify the flights and airports. Pilots with prior experience may choose their own first FREQ from the flights that service the Dallas-Fort Worth (KDFW) airport. All trainees will stay at DFWT until they have completed 25 flight hours and passed the second officer checkride. Upon passing the second officer checkride, new second officers may select their preferred AAV hub and will be transferred.

Re: AAV Launches Dallas Training Hub

Posted: 05-24-2011 05:25 PM
by Panagiotis Zervoulias
That' s great news!!! Unfortunately I didn' t have the time to check daily in the management forum the development of this hub, but it' s great to hear that the most logical proposal to me is finally the one Mike announced!!! I ' d like also to wish good luck to Wayne and Rick. I think they' re gonna need it! Once again this VA makes me proud for beeing a member of.

Re: AAV Launches Dallas Training Hub

Posted: 05-24-2011 05:57 PM
by Arturo Carvajal
Great step for AAV. Congratulations.