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and the Meek Shall ...

Posted: 06-13-2011 05:21 AM
by Harold Henderson
Have a birthday, in this case. Todd Meek, that is.

I've been wracking my brain for something witty (aka birthday roast wit) to say about Todd, but even with the instant sugar infusion of an apple fritter, I keep coming back to the management role he's played here at AAV for quite some time. Currently, he oversees one rowdy bunch of dudes at KLAX as hub manager and that certainly keeps his hands full. Could be worse. He could be HM at Miami.

So, Todd, you get a pass this year, but my operatives are busy digging into the KLAX trash for juicy tidbits for your next birthday.

In the meantime enjoy this birthday. We wish you the best of things legal and that won't keep you from flying tomorrow. Happy Birthday, Todd.

And thanks for being involved at AAV. You are part of the team that makes this place the BEST va.

Re: and the Meek Shall ...

Posted: 06-13-2011 01:23 PM
by Norberto Rivera
Happy Bertdayâ„¢ sir! Enjoy it because soon you'll need a fire hose to put all the candles out like Harold does every year. :twisted:

Re: and the Meek Shall ...

Posted: 06-13-2011 03:23 PM
by Barry Theodore
Happy birthday Boss.

Re: and the Meek Shall ...

Posted: 06-13-2011 07:04 PM
by Todd Meek
Thanks everyone. Unfortunately nothing of the illegal sort going on over here, got called into work tomorrow which is supposed to be my day off, but oh well I need the money.

Re: and the Meek Shall ...

Posted: 06-14-2011 06:59 PM
by Theodore Martin
Happy Birthday Todd.