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Re: Payware MD-80 recommendation

Posted: 06-15-2011 06:25 AM
by Michael Natale
LEONARDO's Fly the MADDOG!. This aircraft simulates most systems superbly. This is not for the faint of heart though, a detailed knolwedge of this a/c's handbook is a must due to built in failures;e.g, if you depart an airport in severe icing conditions and you do not "de-ice" the aircraft you will most likely lose an engine to FOD after takeoff. It is a simple enough procedure, the trick is to follow the checklist(s). It is really one of the only aircraft I fly now becasue it put's all others to shame. That is just my opinion though. Flight 1 offers a nice product too. If I remember correctly our webiste has the livery in the downloads section. Once you go MADDOG you won't go back! Enjoy...............

Re: Payware MD-80 recommendation

Posted: 06-15-2011 06:30 PM
by Harold Henderson
David - a lot of people on here have the Flight 1 Super 80 and/or Super 80 Pro. It will not eat up your frame rate like the ATR either. And the VC is very useable.

Re: Payware MD-80 recommendation

Posted: 06-17-2011 08:29 AM
by Michael Blakely
Mario Torres wrote:Well, I just received on the internet the Flight 1 Super MD 80 yesterday. I,am working on it because some panels go off, the APU sometimes doesn,t start, on a flight from San Juan to St Thomas all the electric system went off, etc. I'm pretty sure that I did something wrong because this program is " suppose " to be "#1". I will keep working on to learn more of it.
Odd. I've never had a problem with the Flight 1 Super 80 (as long as I follow the checklist ).