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John Moore's Birthday

Posted: 06-20-2011 06:53 AM
by Harold Henderson
John Moore has a birthday today.

I have known John closely over the last 6 years from flying with him in GFIs and flying through Indy Center where he controls. So, to honor that relationship, two weeks ago, I sent John a very long list of all the things I could say about him on his birthday, and gave him the choice ... and here is the result:

Happy Birthday, John. (Your check cleared the bank. Thanks for your donation to my favorite charity.)

Re: John Moore's Birthday

Posted: 06-20-2011 01:29 PM
by Robert Shepherd
Sergio Sanchez wrote:Happy BDay Mr. Moore... Maybe I should mention that you are the secsiest voice over Indy :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Ooooh, an admirer! ... Sexy with a slightly sultry undertone. LOL!!

I'll refrain from the library of flying stories that we've accumulated together like the time you fell asleep at your PC, ran out of fuel and experienced sudden deceleration syndrome as you descended rather rapidly towards the rockies... Hehehe! ... We'll always have DFW and the controller sending out the emergency vehicles, as well. Good times buddy, good times and many a chuckle... :)

I hope you had a great birthday Buddy with many more flights (and ATC service) ahead of you!
