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Jet Man over Grand CANYON

Posted: 09-12-2011 11:32 AM
by Arturo Carvajal
Dear Captains:

This is another way to flight.


Arturo ... E2t8QkM%3F

Re: Jet Man over Grand CANYON

Posted: 09-12-2011 08:30 PM
by Todd Meek
This guy was on a show called Stan Lee Superhumans too. I don't know if anyone has seen that show or not, but it was pretty interesting. He explains how he controls his up down and left right movements by shifting his weight. The only down side to it though is if I remember right, he only has enough fuel on board for like 6 minutes of flying, but he is actually flying and not just gliding which this video shows pretty well since he gains altitude quite a few times. Nice find though.