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Birthday GFI AlErT!!!

Posted: 12-01-2011 05:27 AM
by Harold Henderson
Tomorrow is Wayne Pierce's birthday - one of those decade busters as Wayne enters his 7th decade - and there just happens to be a GFI scheduled on THAT night. And Wayne loves GFIs.

So, does that confluence of circumstance suggest anything to you. No. Getting drunk out of sympathy is NOT what comes to my mind.

If I have to spell it out for you noobs, or oldies who have never graced a GFI, or some of you slackers like Rob, John, Rey, Chris.... (if you feel guilty, I'm talking about you), then here it goes:

W E A R E H A V I N G A S U R P R I S E G F I B I R T H D A Y P A R T Y F O R W A Y N E F R I D A Y N I G H T . B Y O C & I C .

If you can't figure that code out, it's in AAV super secret decoder book #AAV4569021 issued Dec 12, 1994. You do keep all the old books, right?