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Two Birthdays to Celebrate Today

Posted: 12-18-2011 02:21 PM
by Harold Henderson
Richard Zepf and Artur Silva share the same birthday with dates just a few years apart.

Glad to have you guys flying with us. As you may/may not have read in our comprehensive employee policy handbook, AAV birthday policy is to have all the legal fun you can on your birthday. This is not an optional thing but a compulsory directive that you should not ignore.

There's also a brief mention of the dangers of combining copious quantities of cake, ice crean, and specially aged DFW goat's milk. You are asked to forego one of the three volatile ingredients ... especially if you are scheduled to fly within the next three days.

That being said, carry on with your orders and have a happy birthday!!

Re: Two Birthdays to Celebrate Today

Posted: 12-19-2011 11:16 PM
by Todd Meek
Happy birthday to both of you gentlemen. If it were me I would forget about that goats milk.