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new service packs for PMDG 737 released

Posted: 12-22-2011 08:11 AM
by Wayne Pierce
If you did not know, like myself, PMDG has new service packs for out beloved $$ B737.
released 12/09/2011

737 -800/900 NGX Base Package SP1b
737 -600/700 NGX Expansion Package SP1b

Get em' here. ... dates.html

Re: new service packs for PMDG 737 released

Posted: 12-22-2011 02:33 PM
by Harold Henderson
Read the doc on the service pack for changes.

One is they are now stripping SIDS and STARS from flight plans generated by other programs like FSBuild. The official rationale is they aren't normally saved anyway but added based on current flight conditions, but it seems this was also messing with the FMC.