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Dean of AAV Celebrates Birthday!!!

Posted: 01-08-2012 06:37 AM
by Harold Henderson
Walt Dean enters his 8th decade today! Happy Birthday, Walt!!!

Have heard some of his juniors (those trailing fast behind like Rick S and Ted M and ...) say what an inspiriation Walt is to them. So, Walt, as you celebrate this momentous occasion, know there are eyes looking up to you.

But, on a more serious note, it's also good to have a hobby like simming that can help us still get some of the enjoyment of flight even as our young minds are dragged kicking and screaming inside aging skins --- kind of like a fine vintage aircraft.

Again, Happy Birthday!

Re: Dean of AAV Celebrates Birthday!!!

Posted: 01-08-2012 04:49 PM
by Theodore Martin
Happy birthday Walt. We are following behind you... :)